Makebot is a leading STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics)
Education provider offering new age experiential learning for students age group 6 years
onwards. Makebot STEAM Learning programs offers experiential learning in the form of
technology including robotic kits, AI programming, IOT applications, multi-year curriculum,
STEAM activities and training programs. Makebot STEAM programs are mapped to various
international and India boards and offer multi-disciplinary learnings. Founded in May,
2018, Mr. Amit Verma and Mr. Krishna Singh are the founding members of Makebot.
Communications Objectives
To announce the MakeX robotics Championships and to create an awareness about the products and services provided by them
Impact Achieved
Through Press release announcement and content driven PR tools like authored articles,
opinion pieces and participation in industry trend stories, we created a positive brand image
and recall for Makebot and its service offerings.