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Month: December 2023

Why are Marketers or Companies Investing more in PR?

  Introduction: Staying ahead in today’s dynamic business landscape requires keeping up with the latest marketing trends. The pace has accelerated compared to a few years ago, and competition is fiercer than ever. It is the fast-paced race where adapting swiftly is the key to staying in the game. In this environment, elements like social […]

The Business of Show: How Brands Craft Memorable Experiences through Event Collaborations

In the ever-evolving realm of marketing, brands are increasingly embracing a powerful strategy to elevate their presence and amplify their impact collaboration with major events. From global sporting spectacles to cultural extravaganzas, savvy brands are recognizing the potential of these partnerships to create a symphony that resonates with their target audience and achieves exponential growth […]

Five tips for Startups to do an innovative and cost-effective marketing strategy

Creating effective marketing campaigns can be challenging and costly for bootstrap startups. Limited time and resources make it difficult to develop feasible strategies that align with the startup’s capabilities. But a well-crafted marketing strategy serves as a comprehensive plan to achieve objectives by understanding customer needs and establishing a unique competitive edge. This involves identifying […]